About Us

Globesolute was founded in Geneva, Switzerland, in 2004 by a team of global professionals from four continents. In 2008, the company changed its headquarters to Kenya to better fulfil the gap in ICT for Development and Strategic Planning. Its resource mobilization and communications departments were spun out of this work, as clients demanded additional resources and communications 2.0 support. Having mobilized $12 Billion in support of government, business and civil society projects across several countries, the company again switched its legal headquarters to the USA, to better access funding and support higher ticket  investments. Since then, our consultants, teams and tools have been deployed to support more than 4400 entities including over 4000 CSOs, 70 governments and over 300 business enterprises.
We Have One Goal

We help boost the economic competitiveness of countries and social impact of projects implemented by governments, business and non-profits. We maximize shareholder value for business owners and managers.

In today’s everchanging world, economic planners require cutting edge analysis that gives a country market and welfare advantage. We collaborate with governments to plan for competitiveness and balance growth and development objectives: 


minimize poverty and disease, while maximizing wealth. For business, the objectives of maximizing shareholder value remain paramount, but we also engrain ESG principles and navigate policy and resource barriers emerging markets. 

For civil society we extend organizational development and assessment tools, resource mobilization, communication and advocacy support.                                                                      Data and advanced analytics using AI are central to our work.

Consult with us


Since 2008, our GOATS tool has been used by more than 4000 organizations to self assess and plan for strengthening. Our BEEC Analysis has been the basis for correct guidance of business enterprises that face major policy barriers in emerging markets, to successfully surmount challenges. Globesolute has developed and acquired several subsidiaries in the service market, fintech (microcredit), entertainment, agriculture. health and music industries.

Our Mission

To be the lead advisory organization assisting the world’s governments, businesses and civil society organizations meet business and sustainable development goals by 2030.

We look forward to another 20 years of integrity and quality service

During the last two decades we have grown from a mere vision to a major changemaker in all the markets into which we ventured. We are proud to have done so without compromising the integrity of our results or character.  We thank our clients and hard working teams, and assure you of our continued partnership. 

This year, we make special mention of our founders: Thomas Getman, Chris Brun, Diana Oyugi, Mamun Islam, Shabbir Bhanji and Chris Alando, and original team members Tshibi Kalala and James Mwangi.


Chris Alando, Founder and CEO

The Globesolute Team


From a database of over 600, our consultancy team engages and seconds about 55 consultants each year:
Core Team Members:

Resource Mobilization

Our resource mobilization team comprises of bankers, transactional advisors, arrangers, lobbysts, brand specialists and consultants
Core Team Members:

Ops & Communications

Our comms team is made of seasoned creatives with real experience in mass media, entertainment and social media.
Core Team Members:

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